New Product Launch
ZHIYUN Announced the Launch of EVO 2 at CES Asia and CeBIT 2018

With numerous intriguing IT and technology enterprises there, Shanghai and Hannover, two vigorous cities, are ideal venues for hosting international consumer electronics exhibition and digital information industry events. This year, CES Asia returned to Shanghai and CeBIT was held in the world’s largest fairground in Hannover. ZHIYUN team participated in these two exhibitions simultaneously, bringing the most eagerly awaited EVO 2 - the newest action camera stabilizer to the trade fairs. 



As the only industry event focused on the Asia-Pacific market, the fourth annual CES Asia 2018 was unfolded at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), in which ZHIYUN put on a big show with a broad range of stabilizers.



SMOOTH 4, CES Asia 2018 Innovation Awards Winner

SMOOTH 4 was named a CES Asia Innovation Awards Honoree, confirmed by CES Asia official email on the 30th May. On CES Asia 2018, ZHIYUN proudly showcased the trophy along with Smooth 4. 



For the first time in the industry, follow focus handwheel is introduced to phone stabilizers, allowing smooth zooming and precise focusing. With only one press and rotation of the wheel, you can take film-level Vertigo shots on your phone. Another breakthrough is the integrated control panel with hot keys, allowing users to control the parameters without the need of touching the phone.




The unique PhoneGo mode sets Smooth 4 apart from rivals. By triggering the button at the back, Smooth 4 immediately activates the full potential of motors and enters into full-speed following, which can realize scene transition easily.



Smooth 4 is ZHIYUN’s successful attempt to abandon the traditional design and make the impossible possible. The innovative spirit, we believe, is the most important force to win CES Asia 2018 Innovation Awards. 



ZHIYUN Teased the Launch of EVO 2

This new action camera stabilizer EVO 2, featuring splash-resistant, has been first seen on the teaser released several days ahead of the exhibition. Despite emerging rumors and leaks, ZHIYUN did not showcase the real product until the event.  



In pursuit of ultra-lightweight, EVO 2 is made with ABS composite materials. This special material is capable of keeping splashes away even when EVO 2 is charging the action camera.



The most talked-about feature is the clip-up harness designed to hold the action camera. Currently the action camera stabilizers on the market use screws to fix the action camera, which is time consuming and easily gets scratches on the camera. This new design significantly reduces time on mounting the camera and protects the camera.   


The control panel on the gimbal is designed for quick switch between video and photo taking, or entering into full speed following mode - Beast mode by simply pressing on the trigger button. Users can also adjust GoPro parameters through ZY Play - ZHIYUN official APP.


ZHIYUN was interviewed by CCTV

As a leading company in developing and manufacturing stabilizers, ZHIYUN has been privileged to be interviewed by CCTV on several occasions, such as Japan IT Week Spring last month. In CES Asia 2018, ZHIYUN was again interviewed by CCTV.



In this interview, Liao Yilun, the CEO of ZHIYUN, explained its brand value and culture. He emphasized that research and innovation capability is the core value of ZHIYUN. ZHIYUN aims to reinvent the industry by bringing more cutting-edge technologies and solutions. He also extended his thanks to users who support ZHIYUN all the way. ZHIYUN will continue to dedicate itself to worldwide users and the industry with professional services.



On the other side of the world, ZHIYUN team was also actively interacting with visitors to CeBIT 2018. Starting from 1986, CeBIT is the largest and most internationally representative information technology trade show. ZHIYUN team was well-prepared for this event and got a whole of love from visitors at CeBIT.



EVO 2 Launched at CeBIT 2018

Almost at the same time with the launch at CES Asia, ZHIYUN showcased EVO 2 to public for the first time in Europe. For sports photographers in Europe, especially those who love extreme sports such as snow skiing, EVO 2 will be an indispensable equipment for sports filmmaking. Beast mode and POV mode on EVO 2 will also allow for more creative shots.



Overseas Ambassadors at CeBIT 2018

ZHIYUN products carry an endorsement from professionals worldwide. Apart from ZHIYUN team, ZHIYUN overseas ambassadors were also invited to this event: Sebastian Berndt, a German professional filmmaker and James Matthews, an experienced photographer and gadget reviewer from Britain. They joined ZHIYUN team and had a face-to-face conversation to visitors who are interested in using stabilizers, later they even demonstrated how to use stabilizers.



During the 5-day event, ZHIYUN booth was buzzed with global visitors and influential media. On the last day of CeBIT, ZHIYUN hosted a giveaway by lucky draws. This activity engaged people’s interest in ZHIYUN products and allowed ZHIYUN to have more interaction with users.



ZHIYUN’s exhibition in CES Asia and CeBIT 2018 were overwhelming success. These events showed that ZHIYUN products are increasing footprints both at home and abroad. However, the market still has great potentials. We sincerely hope to see more opportunities like CES Asia and CeBIT in the future which serve as the bridge between customers and ZHIYUN. 



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